Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dear Internet

So as you may have noticed, my posts have slowed down a bit recently. There are few reasons for this. I have been a bit busy, but this is only a minor reason. It has become quite apparent to me over these past few weeks, that despite the fact that I do have interesting opinions and things to say, it's hard to have enough of them. Since each letter is just a simple text thing, I tried to do one every day. Forcing myself to come up with something interesting on a daily basis lead to... well... a lack of being interesting. This is clear from two perspectives, I'm not satisfied with most of what I write here anymore, and the pageviews are proving how uninteresting the stuff is to read.

So what am I going to do? For now, I'm not sure. I may continue to update this blog but only when I truly have interesting things to talk about, but depending on the frequency that may be impractical. I may just go back to the old fashioned way of sharing things via social networks, they get more views and comments there anyways.

So we'll see what happens, but thanks to anyone who did actually read this regularly!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dear Spam

I don't need any replica watches, Canadian pharmaceuticals, or any enhancements. I don't even know why you're sending me so much about replica watches, it's such a random thing and I've never heard of it being a common spam issue.

Just leave me alone.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dear Television Intro Credits

So here's something I've never understood, why do most actors just get their name shows, and some say next to it their character? It's not just random either, it's always a list of a bunch of names, one at a time on screen, and then the very last one says "and _____ as _____". It's almost like you're pretending that all along it was a sentence, even though it was just a list of names with no other words or grammar or anything until that very last bit.

The strangest part though, is the very specific character type this applies to. This happens in shows where that last character is "much older British gentleman, in some sort of teacher-like position, who plays the role of mentor and father figure to the main character(s)". I've seen this in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Sliders, both excellent shows from the 90's.

Why do you do that intro credits? It just doesn't make any sense.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dear Pendulum

You are fantastic. Oh, and by the way, if you're an object that swings back and forth... go away, this isn't for you. I'm talking to the band Pendulum. Your music is great.

The beats are amazing, I don't see how anyone could ever not enjoy hearing it. A lot of it doesn't have words, but that's fine it just means it's even easier to just enjoy the music itself. I'm really not sure what to say about the music itself, I think everyone just needs to listen to it in order to really understand how good it is.

I think my favorite song is Witchcraft. Everyone should go listen to it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dear days where I have a lot to do

You are so horrible. I can't even begin to describe how frustratingly bad you can really be. Especially when a lot of it is stuff that's somewhat open about when it can be done. I can't seem to get myself to just sit down and get everything done, so you end up looming over my head all day, and at the end of you I've barely accomplished anything.

Days where I have too much to do, you're not so bad. I have no choice but just sit down and work, and work and work, and by the end of the day I've gotten a lot done and am happy with my progress. Days where I have a lot to do but it's all at specific scheduled times, that's not so bad either because I have structure forcing me to get things done in an efficient way. But when days when I can kinda do the work whenever, it can be hard to get started.

Sometimes you refuse to let me just finish everything, and you keep building up over time, until I end up with a day where I have too much to do, and I finally just have one day of solid work and am done. It's annoying.

I wish you would just let me do the work and move on with my life.